Studying from IGNOU is good or bad?

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Studying from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is a popular choice among students seeking flexible education options in India. However, it’s important to analyze the pros and cons before deciding if studying from IGNOU is a good or bad choice for you. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of studying from IGNOU and provide you with an in-depth analysis to help you make an informed decision.

1. What is IGNOU?

IGNOU, established in 1985, is a renowned distance learning university in India. It offers a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma, and certificate courses across various disciplines. The university operates on an open and distance learning mode, allowing students to pursue education at their own pace and convenience.

2. Flexibility in Learning

One of the significant advantages of studying from IGNOU is the flexibility it offers. Unlike traditional educational institutions, IGNOU provides students with the freedom to study anytime and anywhere. The university provides study materials, assignments, and resources, enabling learners to tailor their study schedule according to their personal and professional commitments.

3. Affordability

Cost-effectiveness is a crucial factor for many students considering higher education. Studying from IGNOU can be an affordable option as the fees are relatively lower compared to regular colleges and universities. This makes IGNOU an attractive choice for individuals who wish to pursue education without incurring excessive financial burdens.

4. Diverse Course Options

IGNOU offers a wide array of courses across diverse disciplines, ranging from arts and sciences to management and technology. Students can choose from undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma, and certificate programs, allowing them to pursue their academic interests and career aspirations. The availability of such diverse course options is a major advantage of studying from IGNOU.

5. Recognition and Credibility

One common concern among prospective students is the recognition and credibility of degrees obtained from distance education institutions. IGNOU holds high credibility and is recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and other regulatory bodies in India. The degrees and certificates awarded by IGNOU are considered valid and hold significance in both the academic and professional spheres.

6. Accessible Education for All

IGNOU has played a significant role in making education accessible to individuals who face geographical constraints or have limited resources. It allows students from remote areas, working professionals, and individuals with disabilities to pursue higher education without the need for physical presence on campus. This inclusivity promotes equal opportunities and democratizes education.

7. Supportive Learning Environment

Despite being a distance learning institution, IGNOU strives to create a supportive learning environment for its students. The university provides academic support through study centers located across the country. These centers offer counseling sessions, library facilities, and guidance from experienced faculty members, ensuring that students receive the necessary assistance throughout their academic journey.

8. Self-Discipline and Time Management

Studying from IGNOU requires a considerable amount of self-discipline and effective time management skills. As students have the flexibility to study at their own pace, it becomes crucial to manage time efficiently and stay motivated. Developing these skills can be beneficial not only in academic pursuits but also in personal and professional life.

9. Networking Opportunities

While studying at a traditional college or university often provides ample networking opportunities, distance learning programs like IGNOU also offer networking avenues. IGNOU organizes workshops, seminars, and webinars, where students can interact with fellow learners, alumni, and industry experts. These networking opportunities can enhance knowledge, foster collaborations, and create a sense of belongingness among the learners.

10. Upgrading Professional Skills

For individuals already working in their respective fields, studying from IGNOU can be an excellent way to upgrade their professional skills. The university offers various specialized courses and programs that cater to the needs of working professionals. By gaining advanced knowledge and skills, individuals can enhance their career prospects and stay competitive in the job market.

11. Challenges of Distance Learning

While studying from IGNOU has its merits, it is essential to consider the challenges associated with distance learning. Some of the common challenges include:

11.1 Lack of Face-to-Face Interaction

Distance learning, by its nature, lacks face-to-face interaction with peers and faculty members. This absence of direct human contact can sometimes make it difficult for students to clarify doubts or engage in discussions. However, IGNOU tries to mitigate this challenge by providing support through study centers and online forums.

11.2 Self-Motivation and Procrastination

Distance learning demands self-motivation and self-discipline. Without the structure and regularity of traditional classrooms, students need to motivate themselves to stay on track. Procrastination can be a significant hurdle, and students must develop effective strategies to manage their time and maintain consistency in their studies.

11.3 Limited Practical Exposure

Certain courses, especially those requiring practical skills or laboratory work, may face limitations in terms of providing hands-on experience. While IGNOU tries to bridge this gap through study materials and virtual simulations, some fields of study may require additional practical training or experience beyond what the university can offer.

11.4 Dependence on Self-Study

Distance learning places a significant emphasis on self-study. While study materials and resources are provided by IGNOU, students need to rely on their own efforts to grasp and apply the concepts. This independent learning approach may not be suitable for everyone, as some individuals may thrive better in a structured classroom environment.

11.5 Time Management Challenges

While flexibility is one of the advantages of studying from IGNOU, it can also present challenges in terms of time management. Students must create a study schedule that balances their academic commitments with personal and professional responsibilities. Poor time management can lead to delays in completing assignments or falling behind in the coursework.

11.6 Perception and Social Stigma

Despite the credibility of IGNOU degrees, there may still be some social stigma attached to distance learning in certain circles. Some employers or individuals may perceive distance education as less valuable compared to traditional degrees. However, the perception of distance learning is gradually changing as more individuals recognize the importance of lifelong learning and alternative education pathways.

12. FAQs

12.1 Is IGNOU degree valid for government jobs?

Yes, IGNOU degrees are valid for government jobs. The university is recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC), and its degrees hold the same significance as those obtained from traditional universities. However, it’s essential to fulfill the specific eligibility criteria mentioned by the respective government organizations while applying for jobs.

12.2 Can I pursue higher studies after completing a degree from IGNOU?

Absolutely! IGNOU degrees are recognized by various universities and institutions in India and abroad. Students can pursue higher studies, including postgraduate courses and research programs, after completing their degree from IGNOU. However, admission criteria may vary across institutions, and it’s advisable to check the specific requirements of the desired program or university.

12.3 Can I get a job after completing a degree from IGNOU?

Yes, obtaining a degree from IGNOU can increase your chances of getting a job. The degrees and certificates awarded by IGNOU hold credibility and are recognized by employers across various industries. However, like any other educational qualification, securing a job also depends on factors such as the job market, the demand for specific skills, and individual capabilities.

12.4 How does IGNOU conduct exams for distance learners?

IGNOU conducts exams for distance learners through a combination of term-end examinations and continuous evaluation methods. Term-end exams are usually held twice a year, where students need to physically appear at designated exam centers. Continuous evaluation methods include assignments, projects, practicals, and workshops, which contribute to the overall assessment of a student.

12.5 Can I transfer credits from IGNOU to other universities?

Yes, IGNOU allows the transfer of credits earned by students to other universities under certain conditions. Many universities have policies in place to consider credit transfers from IGNOU, provided the courses taken align with the curriculum and meet the eligibility criteria of the receiving institution. It’s advisable to check with the specific university regarding their credit transfer policies.

12.6 How can I contact IGNOU for queries and support?

IGNOU provides various channels for students to seek support and address their queries. Students can contact the university through their helpline numbers, email, or visit the nearest IGNOU Regional Center. Additionally, IGNOU has an online student support system where learners can access study materials, assignments, and interact with faculty and fellow students.


Studying from IGNOU offers numerous benefits, including flexibility, affordability, diverse course options, and recognition. It provides an opportunity for individuals to pursue higher education while overcoming geographical and financial constraints. However, distance learning also comes with challenges such as limited practical exposure, the need for self-motivation, and potential social stigma. It is essential for prospective students to consider these factors and evaluate their own learning style and preferences before making a decision.

Ultimately, whether studying from IGNOU is good or bad depends on individual circumstances, goals, and preferences. It is recommended to thoroughly research the programs and courses offered by IGNOU, speak with current or former students, and assess personal motivations before enrolling. With the right mindset, dedication, and self-discipline, studying from IGNOU can be a rewarding and enriching educational experience.

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